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EnviroMood Symposium

Mental health disorders, particularly major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders, are among the most significant global health challenges, causing severe individual suffering and a substantial socioeconomic burden on society. Given that the onset and progression of both disorders are highly influenced by contextual factors, the core idea of the EnviroMood project is that plasticity serves as an underlying mechanism for both resilience and vulnerability, depending on the environmental context.

Join us for this event to learn more about this fascinating topic from  scientists who are experts in the field.

Friday, March 14th
Bizkaia Aretoa | Auditorio Baroja


12:30 - 13:05


The role of the enviroment in the therapeutic-like effects of psychedelics. Marcel Gil, Neuroscience Center, University of Helsinki, Finland. ​​​​​


Resilience emerges at the boundaries between plasticity and context. Igor Branchi, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy.​


Brain immune cells contribute to network plasticity. Urte Neniskyte, Life Sciences Center, Vilnius University, Lithuania.


Coffee Break

​Role of TACR3 and testosterone in anxiety-related synaptic plasticity. Magdalena Wojtas, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain.​


Synaptic plasticity in the amygdala: a hub for emotional adaptation and resilience. Ewelina Knapska, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland.​


Assesment of synaptic plasticity in humans. Stefan Vestring, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.


9:05 - 9:40

9:40 - 10:15

10:15 - 10:50

10:50 - 11:20

11:20 - 11:55

11:55 - 12:30

Semana del Cerebro Bilbao


10-14 marzo

Bizkaia Aretoa, Bilbao


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